Source code for artan.filter.recursive_least_squares_filter

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import numpy as np

from import Params, Param, TypeConverters
from import HasLabelCol, HasFeaturesCol
from import DenseMatrix
from import inherit_doc
from artan.state import StatefulTransformer
from artan.filter.filter_params import HasInitialState, HasInitialStateCol

class _HasForgettingFactor(Params):
    Mixin for param forgetting factor, between 0 and 1.

    forgettingFactor = Param(
        "forgettingFactor", "Forgetting factor between 0 and 1", typeConverter=TypeConverters.toFloat)

    def __init__(self):
        super(_HasForgettingFactor, self).__init__()

    def getForgettingFactor(self):
        Gets the value of forgettingFactor or its default value.
        return self.getOrDefault(self.forgettingFactor)

class _HasRegularizationMatrix(Params):
    Mixin for param regularization matrix.

    regularizationMatrix = Param(
        "Positive definite regularization matrix for RLS filter, typically a factor multiplied by identity matrix." +
        "Small factors (>1) give more weight to initial state, whereas large factors (>>1) decrease regularization" +
        "and cause RLS filter to behave like ordinary least squares",

    def __init__(self):
        super(_HasRegularizationMatrix, self).__init__()

    def getRegularizationMatrix(self):
        Gets the value of regularization matrix or its default value.
        return self.getOrDefault(self.regularizationMatrix)

class _HasRegularizationMatrixCol(Params):
    Mixin for param regularization matrix column.

    regularizationMatrixCol = Param(
        "Regularization matrix column for specifying different reg matrices across filters",

    def __init__(self):
        super(_HasRegularizationMatrixCol, self).__init__()

    def getRegularizationMatrixCol(self):
        Gets the value of regularization matrix column or its default value.
        return self.getOrDefault(self.regularizationMatrixCol)

[docs]@inherit_doc class RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter(StatefulTransformer, HasInitialState, HasInitialStateCol, _HasForgettingFactor, _HasRegularizationMatrix, _HasRegularizationMatrixCol, HasLabelCol, HasFeaturesCol): """ Recursive formulation of least squares with exponential weighting & regularization, implemented with a stateful spark Transformer for running parallel filters /w spark dataframes. Transforms an input dataframe of observations to a dataframe of model parameters using stateful spark transformations, which can be used in both streaming and batch applications. Let :math:`w` denote the model parameters and :math:`w_{est}` denote our prior belief. RLS minimizes following regularization and weighted SSE terms; .. math:: (w - w_{est}) \cdot (\lambda^{-N-1}P)^{-1} \cdot (w - w_{est}) + \sum_{k=1}^{N} \lambda^{N - k} (d_k - u_k \cdot w) Where: - :math:`\lambda`: forgetting factor, or exponential weighting factor. Between 0 and 1. - :math:`P`: regularization matrix. Smaller values increseas the weight of regularization term, whereas larger values increase the weight of weighted SSE term. - :math:`d_k`, :math:`u_k`: label and features vector at time step k. """ def __init__(self, featuresSize): super(RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("", featuresSize, self.uid) self._featuresSize = featuresSize
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Set label column. Default is "label" :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(labelCol=value)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Set features column. Default is "features" :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(featuresCol=value)
[docs] def setInitialEstimate(self, value): """ Set initial estimate for model parameters. Default is zero vector. Note that if this parameter is set through here, it will result in same initial estimate for all filters. For different initial estimates across filters, set the dataframe column for corresponding to initial estimate with setInitialEstimateCol. :param value: with size (featuresSize) :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(initialState=value)
[docs] def setInitialEstimateCol(self, value): """ Sets the column corresponding to initial estimates :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(initialStateCol=value)
[docs] def setForgettingFactor(self, value): """ Set forgetting factor, exponentially weights the measurements based on its sequence. Default value of 1.0 weights all measurements equally. With smaller values, recent measurements will have more weight. Generally set around 0.95 ~ 0.99 :param value: Float >= 1.0 :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(forgettingFactor=value)
[docs] def setRegularizationMatrix(self, value): """ Set regularization matrix governing the influence of the initial estimate (prior). Larger values will remove regularization effect, making the filter behave like OLS. Default is 10E5 * I Note that if this parameter is set through here, it will result in same regularization for all filters. For different regularizations across filters, set the dataframe column for corresponding to regularization with setRegularizationMatrixCol. :param value: with size (featuresSize, featuresSize) :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(regularizationMatrix=value)
[docs] def setRegularizationMatrixCol(self, value): """ Sets the column corresponding to regularization matrix :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(regularizationMatrixCol=value)
[docs] def setRegularizationMatrixFactor(self, value): """ Sets the regularization matrix with a float factor, which results in setting the regularization matrix as factor * identity :param value: Float :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ regMat = np.eye(self._featuresSize) * value rows, cols = regMat.shape return self._set(regularizationMatrix=DenseMatrix(rows, cols, regMat.reshape(rows * cols, order="F")))