Online Linear Regression with Recursive Least Squares filter ============================================================ Recursive Least Squares (RLS) filter solves the least squares problem without requiring the complete data for training, it can perform sequential updates to the model from a sequence of observations which is useful for streaming applications. Scala ----- Import RLS filter & spark, start spark session. .. code-block:: scala import import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import val spark = SparkSession .builder .appName("RLSExample") .getOrCreate import spark.implicits._ Training multiple models is achieved by mapping samples to models. Each label and featuers can be associated with a different model by creating a 'key' column and specifying it with `setStateKeyCol`. Not specifying any key column will result in training a single model. Training data is generated using streaming rate source. Streaming rate source generates consecutive numbers with timestamps. These consecutive numbers are binned for different models and then used for generating label & features vectors. .. code-block:: scala val numStates = 100 // Simple linear model, states to be estimated are a, b and c // z = a*x + b*y + c + w, where w ~ N(0, 1) val a = 0.5 val b = 0.2 val c = 1.2 val noiseParam = 1.0 val featuresSize = 3 val featuresUDF = udf((x: Double, y: Double) => { new DenseVector(Array(x, y, 1.0)) }) val labelUDF = udf((x: Double, y: Double, w: Double) => { a*x + b*y + c + w }) val features = spark.readStream.format("rate") .option("rowsPerSecond", 10) .load() .withColumn("mod", $"value" % numStates) .withColumn("stateKey", $"mod".cast("String")) .withColumn("x", ($"value"/numStates).cast("Integer").cast("Double")) .withColumn("y", sqrt($"x")) .withColumn("label", labelUDF($"x", $"y", randn() * noiseParam)) .withColumn("features", featuresUDF($"x", $"y")) The estimated state distribution will be outputted in `state` struct column. The model parameters can be found at `state.mean` field as a vector. Along with the state column, `stateKey` and `stateIndex` column can be used for identifying different models and their incremented index. .. code-block:: scala val truncate = udf((state: DenseVector) => => (math floor t * 100)/100)) val filter = new RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter(featuresSize) .setStateKeyCol("stateKey") val query = filter.transform(features) .select($"stateKey", $"stateIndex", truncate($"state.mean").alias("modelParameters")) .writeStream .queryName("RLSRateSourceOLS") .outputMode("append") .format("console") .start() query.awaitTermination() /* Batch: 65 ------------------------------------------- +--------+----------+-------------------+ |stateKey|stateIndex| modelParameters| +--------+----------+-------------------+ | 7| 68|[0.54, -0.19, 1.98]| | 3| 68| [0.5, 0.11, 1.41]| | 8| 68|[0.53, -0.13, 1.89]| | 0| 68| [0.46, 0.53, 0.34]| | 5| 68| [0.5, 0.2, 1.05]| | 6| 68| [0.45, 0.68, 0.18]| | 9| 68|[0.53, -0.15, 1.82]| | 1| 68| [0.5, 0.09, 2.17]| | 4| 68| [0.51, 0.11, 1.17]| | 2| 68| [0.48, 0.35, 0.9]| +--------+----------+-------------------+ ------------------------------------------- Batch: 66 ------------------------------------------- +--------+----------+-------------------+ |stateKey|stateIndex| modelParameters| +--------+----------+-------------------+ | 7| 69|[0.54, -0.18, 1.96]| | 3| 69| [0.49, 0.19, 1.28]| | 8| 69|[0.53, -0.19, 1.99]| | 0| 69| [0.45, 0.6, 0.23]| | 5| 69| [0.51, 0.14, 1.15]| | 6| 69| [0.45, 0.71, 0.14]| | 9| 69| [0.53, -0.1, 1.75]| | 1| 69| [0.49, 0.15, 2.09]| | 4| 69| [0.51, 0.1, 1.18]| | 2| 69| [0.49, 0.25, 1.04]| +--------+----------+-------------------+ */ See `examples `_ for the full code Python ------ Import RLS filter & spark, start spark session. .. code-block:: python from artan.filter import RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter from pyspark.sql import SparkSession import pyspark.sql.functions as F from import VectorAssembler spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("RLSExample").getOrCreate() Each feature and label can be associated with a different model by creating a key column and specifying it with `setStateKeyCol`. Not specifying any key column will result in training a single model. Training data is generated using streaming rate source. Streaming rate source generates consecutive numbers with timestamps. These consecutive numbers are binned for different models and then used for generating label & features vectors. .. code-block:: python num_states = 10 # Simple linear model, parameters to be estimated are a, b and c # z = a*x + b*y + c + w, where w ~ N(0, 1) a = 0.5 b = 0.2 c = 1.2 noise_param = 1 features_size = 3 label_expression = F.col("x") * a + F.col("y") * b + c + F.col("w") input_df = spark.readStream.format("rate").option("rowsPerSecond", 10).load()\ .withColumn("mod", F.col("value") % num_states)\ .withColumn("stateKey", F.col("mod").cast("String"))\ .withColumn("x", (F.col("value")/num_states).cast("Integer").cast("Double"))\ .withColumn("y", F.sqrt("x"))\ .withColumn("bias", F.lit(1.0))\ .withColumn("w", F.randn(0) * noise_param)\ .withColumn("label", label_expression) assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["x", "y", "bias"], outputCol="features") measurements = assembler.transform(input_df) The estimated state distribution will be outputted in `state` struct column. The model parameters can be found at `state.mean` field as a vector. Along with the state column, `stateKey` and `stateIndex` column can be used for identifying different models and their incremented index. .. code-block:: python rls = RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter(features_size)\ .setStateKeyCol("stateKey") query = rls.transform(measurements)\ .writeStream\ .queryName("RLSRateSourceOLS")\ .outputMode("append")\ .format("console")\ .start() query.awaitTermination() """ ------------------------------------------- Batch: 30 ------------------------------------------- +--------+----------+--------------------+ |stateKey|stateIndex| state| +--------+----------+--------------------+ | 7| 42|[[0.4911266440390...| | 3| 42|[[0.4912998991072...| | 8| 42|[[0.4836819761355...| | 0| 42|[[0.5604206240212...| | 5| 42|[[0.5234529160112...| | 6| 42|[[0.5543561214337...| | 9| 42|[[0.4085256071251...| | 1| 42|[[0.4831233161778...| | 4| 42|[[0.5283651158175...| | 2| 42|[[0.4393527335453...| +--------+----------+--------------------+ ------------------------------------------- Batch: 31 ------------------------------------------- +--------+----------+--------------------+ |stateKey|stateIndex| state| +--------+----------+--------------------+ | 7| 43|[[0.4949646265364...| | 3| 43|[[0.5051874312281...| | 8| 43|[[0.4697275993015...| | 0| 43|[[0.5407062556163...| | 5| 43|[[0.5223665417204...| | 6| 43|[[0.5438141213982...| | 9| 43|[[0.3951488184173...| | 1| 43|[[0.4639848681905...| | 4| 43|[[0.5232375369727...| | 2| 43|[[0.4618607402587...| +--------+----------+--------------------+ """ See `examples `_ for the full code