Source code for artan.filter.least_mean_squares_filter

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from import Params, Param, TypeConverters
from import inherit_doc
from import HasLabelCol, HasFeaturesCol
from artan.state import StatefulTransformer
from artan.filter.filter_params import HasInitialStateMean, HasInitialStateMeanCol

class _HasLearningRate(Params):
    Mixin for param Normalized LMS learning rate

    learningRate = Param(
        "Learning rate for Normalized LMS. If there is no interference, the default value of 1.0 is optimal",

    def __init__(self):
        super(_HasLearningRate, self).__init__()

    def getLearningRate(self):
        Gets the value of learning rate or its default value.
        return self.getOrDefault(self.learningRate)

class _HasRegularizationConstant(Params):
    Mixin for param for regularization constant.

    regularizationConstant = Param(
        "Regularization term for stability, default is 1.0",

    def __init__(self):
        super(_HasRegularizationConstant, self).__init__()

    def getRegularizationConstant(self):
        Gets the value of regularization constant or its default value.
        return self.getOrDefault(self.regularizationConstant)

[docs]@inherit_doc class LeastMeanSquaresFilter(StatefulTransformer, HasInitialStateMean, HasInitialStateMeanCol, _HasLearningRate, _HasRegularizationConstant, HasLabelCol, HasFeaturesCol): """ Normalized Least Mean Squares filter, implemented with a stateful spark Transformer for running parallel filters /w spark dataframes. Transforms an input dataframe of observations to a dataframe of model parameters using stateful spark transformations, which can be used in both streaming and batch applications. Belonging to stochastic gradient descent type of methods, LMS minimizes SSE on each measurement based on the expectation of steepest descending gradient. Let :math:`w` denote the model parameter vector, :math:`u` denote the features vector, and :math:`d` the label corresponding to :math:`u`. Normalized LMS computes :math:`w` at step :math:`k` recursively by: .. math :: e &= d - u \cdot w_{k-1} \\ w_k &= w_{k-1} + m * e * u * (c + u \cdot u)^{-1} Where - :math:`m`: Learning rate - :math:`c`: Regularization constant """ def __init__(self, featuresSize): super(LeastMeanSquaresFilter, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("", featuresSize, self.uid) self._featuresSize = featuresSize
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Set label column. Default is "label" :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(labelCol=value)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Set features column. Default is "features" :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(featuresCol=value)
[docs] def setInitialEstimate(self, value): """ Set initial estimate for model parameters. Default is zero vector. Note that if this parameter is set through here, it will result in same initial estimate for all filters. For different initial estimates across filters, set the dataframe column for corresponding to initial estimate with setInitialEstimateCol. :param value: with size (featuresSize) :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(initialStateMean=value)
[docs] def setInitialEstimateCol(self, value): """ Sets the column corresponding to initial estimates :param value: String :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(initialStateMeanCol=value)
[docs] def setLearningRate(self, value): """ Set learning rate controlling the speed of convergence. Without noise, 1.0 is optimal. Default is 1.0 :param value: Float :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(learningRate=value)
[docs] def setRegularizationConstant(self, value): """ Set constant for regularization controlling stability. Larger values increase stability but degrade convergence performance. Generally set to a small constant. Default is 1.0 :param value: Float :return: RecursiveLeastSquaresFilter """ return self._set(regularizationConstant=value)