Source code for artan.filter.linear_kalman_filter

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from artan.state import StatefulTransformer
from artan.filter.filter_params import (
    KalmanFilterParams, HasMultipleModelAdaptiveEstimationEnabled,

[docs]class LinearKalmanFilter(StatefulTransformer, KalmanFilterParams, HasMultipleModelAdaptiveEstimationEnabled, HasMultipleModelMeasurementWindowDuration): """ Linear Kalman Filter, implemented with a stateful spark Transformer for running parallel filters /w spark dataframes. Transforms an input dataframe of noisy measurements to dataframe of state estimates using stateful spark transformations, which can be used in both streaming and batch applications. Assuming a state vector :math:`x_k` with size `stateSize`, and measurements vector :math:`z_k` with size `measurementSize`, below parameters can be specified. - :math:`F_k`, process model, matrix with dimensions `stateSize` x `stateSize` - :math:`H_k`, measurement model, matrix with dimensions `stateSize` x `measurementSize` - :math:`Q_k`, process noise covariance, matrix with dimensions `stateSize` x `stateSize` - :math:`R_k`, measurement noise covariance, matrix with dimensions `measurementSize` x `measurementSize` - :math:`u_k`, optional control vector, vector with size `controlSize` - :math:`B_k`, optional control model, matrix with dimensions `stateSize` x `controlSize` Linear Kalman Filter will predict & estimate the state according to following state and measurement equations. .. math:: x_k &= F_k x_{k-1} + B_k u_k + v_k \\ z_k &= H_k x_k + w_k Where :math:`v_k` and :math:`w_k` are noise vectors drawn from zero mean, :math:`Q_k` and :math:`R_k` covariance distributions. The default values of system matrices will not give you a functioning filter, but they will be initialized with reasonable values given the state and measurement sizes. All of the inputs to the filter can be specified with a dataframe column which will allow you to have different value across measurements/filters, or you can specify a constant value across all measurements/filters. """ def __init__(self, stateSize, measurementSize): super(LinearKalmanFilter, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("", stateSize, measurementSize, self.uid)
[docs] def setMultipleModelMeasurementWindowDuration(self, value): """ Optionally set the window duration for grouping measurements in same window for MMAE filter aggregation. Could be used for limiting the state on streaming if event time column is set. :param value: String :return: LinearKalmanFilter """ return self._set(multipleModelMeasurementWindowDuration=value)
[docs] def setEnableMultipleModelAdaptiveEstimation(self): """ Enable MMAE output mode :return: LinearKalmanFilter """ return self._set(multipleModelAdaptiveEstimationEnabled=True)