Artan Documentation


Install Spark 2.4+, Scala 2.11 and Python 3.6+. Spark shell or pyspark shell can be run with maven coordinates using --packages argument. This will place all required jars and python files to appropriate executor and driver paths.

spark-shell --packages com.github.ozancicek:artan_2.12:0.4.2

pyspark --packages com.github.ozancicek:artan_2.12:0.4.2

spark-submit --packages com.github.ozancicek:artan_2.12:0.4.2

For Scala, the dependencies can be retrieved from Maven Central.

libraryDependencies += “com.github.ozancicek” %% “artan” % “0.4.2”

For Python, the dependencies can be installed with pip.

pip install artan

Note that pip will only install the python dependencies, which is not enough to submit jobs to spark cluster. To submit pyspark jobs, --packages argument to pyspark or spark-submit command should still be specified in order to download necessary jars from maven central.

pyspark --packages com.github.ozancicek:artan_2.12:0.4.2

spark-submit --packages com.github.ozancicek:artan_2.12:0.4.2


See scaladoc

Indices and tables