Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimation

Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE) consists of a parallel bank of kalman filters to provide multiple estimates. From these parallel bank of filters, the state is estimated weighted by the likelihood of the residuals conditioned on the measurement sequence.

Since all Kalman filters in this library are model-parallel filters, they naturally fit to the definition of MMAE. All implemented Kalman filters have an alternative output mode which they provide a MMAE state estimate by joining all estimated states with a sliding likelihood.

The example demonstrated here is same with the one in Kalman Filter section Although the example demonstrates MMAE with Linear Kalman Filter, all kalman filters can output a MMAE estimate.

Import Kalman filter and start spark session.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val spark = SparkSession

import spark.implicits._

val numStates = 10
val rowsPerSecond = 10

Define the model parameters and udf’s to generate training data.

// OLS problem, states to be estimated are a, b and c
// z = a*x + b * y + c + w, where w ~ N(0, 1)
val a = 0.5
val b = 0.2
val c = 1.2
val stateSize = 3
val measurementsSize = 1
val noiseParam = 1.0

val featuresUDF = udf((x: Double, y: Double) => {
  new DenseMatrix(measurementsSize, stateSize, Array(x, y, 1.0))

val labelUDF = udf((x: Double, y: Double, r: Double) => {
  new DenseVector(Array(a*x + b*y + c + r))

Define the filter and enable MMAE output.

MMAE outputs a single state estimate by joining all the states weighted by their likelihoods. The likelihood of each filter is defined in a sliding window of consecutive measurements. This window can be set from setSlidingLikelihoodWindow. Also since multiple measurements are aggregated to output a single estimate, without a time window in streaming mode the aggregation of multiple states would result in an unbounded state. Therefore, it’s advised to set event time column and a large enough time window to fit parallel measurements into the same window. This window can be set from setMultipleModelMeasurementWindowDuration

val filter = new LinearKalmanFilter()
  .setInitialStateMean(new DenseVector(Array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
    new DenseMatrix(3, 3, Array(10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0)))
  .setProcessNoise(DenseMatrix.zeros(stateSize, stateSize))
  .setWatermarkDuration("2 seconds")
  .setMultipleModelMeasurementWindowDuration("5 seconds")

Generate the data & run the query with console sink.

val features = spark.readStream.format("rate")
  .option("rowsPerSecond", rowsPerSecond)
  .withColumn("mod", $"value" % numStates)
  .withColumn("stateKey", $"mod".cast("String"))
  .withColumn("x", ($"value"/numStates).cast("Integer").cast("Double"))
  .withColumn("y", sqrt($"x"))
  .withColumn("label", labelUDF($"x", $"y", randn() * noiseParam))
  .withColumn("features", featuresUDF($"x", $"y"))

val truncate = udf((state: DenseVector) => => (math floor t * 100)/100))

val query = filter.transform(features)
  .select( $"stateIndex", truncate($"state.mean").alias("modelParameters"), $"timestamp")


Batch: 49
|stateIndex|   modelParameters|           timestamp|
|        94|[0.49, 0.24, 1.01]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        93|[0.49, 0.24, 1.03]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        91| [0.5, 0.17, 1.23]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        95| [0.5, 0.15, 1.36]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        92| [0.5, 0.17, 1.25]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
Batch: 52
|stateIndex|   modelParameters|           timestamp|
|        98|  [0.5, 0.12, 1.5]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        99|[0.49, 0.21, 1.16]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        96|[0.51, 0.03, 1.54]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|       100|  [0.5, 0.13, 1.5]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|
|        97| [0.5, 0.08, 1.57]|[2020-04-11 18:48...|

See examples for the full code